
February is Superman month. Donate $5 to own the RARE TV three hour unedited cut. All funds go to paper and ink supplies.

About image
My name is Robert & this is my wife, Rona. I’m an army vet and she’s a teacher. We live in Australia and created this site to allow kind people like you to supply paper / school supplies to the neediest of schools in the Philippines.
  1. Adopt-A-School sends your donation to our teacher representative in Manila or rural Philippines
  2. The most necessary supplies are bought locally for a specific school in dire need
  3. You receive a proof-of-purchase copy of the tax receipt to ensure integrity
Each Hardcopy ream of 500 copier paper will last a class a couple of days. The teachers recycle everything they can, turning old test papers in to Christmas tree decoration creations or notepad scribing.

$5 buys one x 500 block of paper
$2 buys a black ink refill

Donate here and I know you’ve made a teacher smile

Donation Amount